“Why do you love him so much?”

2 min readMay 11, 2024


our first day in 2024 — EF

“Why do you love him so much?” My friends often inquire, puzzled by the depth of my affection. Yet, try as I might, I find myself at a loss for words. How do you explain the inexplicable, define the undefinable? It’s simply a feeling, an instinct that resonates deep within me, telling me that this is right, this is where I belong. He, who has become my everything, holds a special place in my heart — a place reserved solely for him.

Our love story doesn’t fit neatly into the tropes of enemies turned lovers or friends blossoming into something more. No, ours is a tale of two strangers who found themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, like two celestial bodies gravitating towards a shared orbit.

The reasons behind my love for him are as numerous as the stars in the sky, each one adding to the constellation of emotions that bind us together. Perhaps it’s his infectious cuteness that never fails to bring a smile to my face, or the way his beautiful eyes seem to hold the universe within them whenever they meet mine. Maybe it’s the tenderness with which he treats me, his words dripping with sincerity and affection, or the way he never fails to remind me of my beauty, even on my darkest days.

Then there’s his unwavering protection, a shield against the harshness of the world that surrounds us, and the way his voice filled the empty hallways with melody, a serenade to my soul. Each of these reasons, individually, might seem insignificant, but together they form the tapestry of our love story, weaving a narrative that is uniquely ours.

But amidst the multitude of reasons, there is one moment that stands out above all others — the moment he called my name, his voice a gentle caress against the tumult of my thoughts. In that fleeting instant, as our eyes met and our souls connected, I knew with a certainty that defied explanation: I was irrevocably, irreversibly in love with him.

