2 min readMay 13, 2024

Who “me”

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Who am I? What kind of person do I aspire to become? The virtuous one? The prosperous one? Or the enchanting one? “Can one truly become anything they desire?” Have you ever pondered upon this notion? Some may challenge its validity. I confess, I once harbored doubts myself.

We possess the capacity to manifest our deepest desires. Yet, therein lies the quandary: we often lack the conviction to embody the person we envision. It seems like an insurmountable task. Allow me to share a clandestine insight — it’s rooted in the identity we assign ourselves and the patterns we cultivate.

Habits Shape Identity
Take a moment to introspect and ponder your habits.
Are they a reflection you’re content with? Do they exude qualities worthy of pride? If not, then it’s time for transformation. If you habitually carry cigarettes and indulge in smoking everywhere, you’ll be perceived as a smoker. Your identity becomes entwined with this habit. Conversely, if you’re always accompanied by books and engage in reading both at home and outdoors, you’ll be recognized as a reader. — So, do you grasp the essence of my discourse?

Belief Forges Identity
Beyond external perceptions, your beliefs wield significant influence. If you resign to chronic lateness, you solidify your identity as someone perpetually tardy. Conversely, nurturing the conviction to rise early each dawn establishes you as a morning aficionado. In conclusion, our journey towards self-realization hinges upon the fusion of belief and habit. By reshaping our habits, we sculpt our identity, while our beliefs serve as the guiding force propelling us forward. Embrace the power within to redefine yourself, for in the tapestry of life, you hold the brush. Dare to paint a portrait that resonates with the depths of your being and illuminates the path to your highest aspirations.